Full detailed CV

Mr. Teuvo Peltoniemi

Updated Feb.10, 2024

Contact: www.teuvopeltoniemi.net, www.facebook.com/teuvo.peltoniemi

Summary CV

Mr. Teuvo Peltoniemi, Director of Sosiomedia Oy, is a science writer and journalist, researcher and trainer. His most recent journalistic themes are energy and environmental issues, migration and the new technology.

During his career he has published on social and health topics, emigration, environment, medicine and technological issues. He has written, edited or translated nearly 20 books on alcohol, drug policy, family violence, utopian emigration, traffic and telematics. He was the first to study and publish books on family violence, child abuse and sexual abuse of children in Finland. He regularly writes general and scientific articles and presents papers at national and international conferences so that number of titles in his CV is over 500. He has organized about 40 joint European seminars for Finnish and European journalists and professionals, and produced into Finnish about 150 international prevention and training video programs on health and social topics.

He has worked as a university teacher and researcher as well as journalist for the Finnish radio and television, and video companies, and developed domestic and European prevention projects.Mr. Peltoniemi has MA and Lic. Soc. Sc. degrees in sociology, social policy and mass communication from the Universities of Tampere and Helsinki. He shares his time between Helsinki, Finland and Fuengirola, Spain.

On European level he is Founder and Honorary President of the European Prevnet telematic network, as well as Founding member and ex-President of the European Encare Network on children in substance abuse families.


  • Kemin lyseo, matriculation examination, 1969
  • University of Tampere, MA (Sociology, Mass Communication, Social Policy), 1974
  • University of Helsinki, Licentiate of Social Sciences, 1980

Main languages

Finnish, English, Swedish, German

Key expertise

  • Information and prevention activities on alcohol, drugs, domestic violence, youth, children, net addiction
  • New telematic methods like Internet, social media, virtual reality, and robotics
  • Health education and prevention implementation and evaluation
  • General journalism on social, medical and technological issues on radio, television and printed media
  • Sociological and epidemiological survey and case studies on alcohol, drugs, children, migration
  • Utopian communities established by Finns and Scandinavians
  • Video production and translations

Professional affiliation record

2009-, Sosiomedia Oy, Owner & Editor-in-Chief

1987-2009, A-Clinic Foundation, Communications Director and Editor-in-Chief of Tiimi Journal and AddictionLink. Started Addiction Link online services (Päihdelinkki, Päihdepuhelin, Promille etc.) and the Fragile Childhood (Lasinen lapsuus) prevention activities for children in alcohol families. The ideas of these still operating services were later expanded to many EU countries.

1984-1986, City of Helsinki, Information officer, Alcohol and drugs related prevention issues

1982-1984, Provincial Government of Uusimaa, Researcher, Health education for youth

1980-1981, Ministry of Justice, Research Institute of Legal Policy, Researcher, Corporal punishment of children, Sexual abuse of children, Domestic violence, and other criminological issues

1979, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Canada, Exchange researcher

1974-1980, Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies, Grant researcher, Treatment of alcoholism and drugs, alcohol policy, youth

1973-1988, University of Tampere, Part-time lecturer, alcohol, drugs, traffic, emigration and mass communication issues

1969-1980, Finnish Broadcasting Company, free lance based reporter and producer at documentary radio channels and TV-2, Societal documentary programs, news, traffic problems, travel and emigration issues

Memberships of professional bodies


  • Costa Press Club, Spain
  • Finnish Association of Magazine Editors-in-Chief
  • Finnish Association of Science Editors and Journalists (Board member 2009-2014)
  • Finnish Environmental Journalists Association
  • Health Journalists of Finland (Board member 2009-2011)
  • Finnish Technology journalists’ Association Presstek (Board member 2018–)
  • Finnish Association of Non-Fiction Writers
  • Finnish Social Marketing Association (Board member 2008-2012)
  • Chairman of the Communications committee and member of the executive group of the WCSJ2013 - The 8th World Conference of the Science Journalists, Helsinki 24-28 June 2013.(2012-2013)

Substance abuse prevention

  • Alcohol education organisation plan work group. Ministry of Social Welfare and Health (Member 1994-1995)
  • Association of Alcohol and Drug Researchers in Finland (Board member 1986-90, President 1988-90)
  • Euridice EU network Finnish country coordinator (2000-2009)
  • Scientific board of the Instituto para el Estudio de las Adicciones. (Comite Cientifico Member 2005-2009)

Child care

  • Founding member of the Encare EU network (children in substance abusing families)(Board member 2002-, President 2002-07, Senior Vice President 2007-)


  • Founder of the Prevnet EU network (online services in prevention and treatment of substance abuse)(Board member 1998-, President 1998-2002, Senior Vice President 2002-07, President 2007-2011, Honorary President 2011-)
  • Sosiaaliportti professional portal for social work by the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health STAKES.(Editorial board member 2007-2009)
  • Finnish @vec network (telematic prevention on mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, child care) (President 2001-09)
  • Culture and Science Foundation Kemi2000 (Delegation member 2017-2023)
  • Ministry of Social Welfare and Health Board of the Directing the Project on the Development of telematics in social care (Board member 2006-09)

General awards

Suomen Leijonan I luokan ritarimerkki 6.12.2007. (Knight, First Class, of the Order of the Lion of Finland by the Grand Master the President of Finland)

Päihdetiedotuksen erikoispalkinto elämäntyöstä, A-klinikkasäätiö 9.9.2010 (Finnish Annual Alcohol Media Special Award 2010 for Life Work by A-Clinic Foundation, 2010).

Tiedonjulkistamisen 2011 valtionpalkinto “esimerkillisestä ja ennakkoluulottomasta tiedonjulkistamistyöstä”, opetus - ja kulttuuriministeriö 6.10.2011 (State Life Work Award on Public Information for “exemplary and unconventional public information work”, by the Ministry of Education and Culture, 2011).

Public Relations activities

Procom - Viestinnän ammattilaiset -järjestön “Vuoden tiedottaja 2006 “palkinto. (“Press Officer of the Year “. ProCom - Finnish Association of Communications Professionals, 2006.)

Journalist awards

Loppukilpailuehdokas “Vuoden 2009 pääkirjoituksen tekijä “-sarjassa Aikauslehtien liiton kilpailussa . (“Hot listed nominee “for the “2009 Editorial of the Year”-competition of the Finnish Periodical Publishers Association.)

Suomen tiedetoimittajain liiton vuotuinen “Tiedetoimittaja-palkinto “(“Science Journalist Annual Award” by the Finnish Association of Science Editors and Journalists), 2007

Alcohol and drug education

Terveys ry: Ansiomitali “Työstä terveyden hyväksi “Helsingissä 24.9.2011 (Expert Award Medal for “Work for Health” by Terveys ry in Helsinki on 24 September 2011)

Yhteiskuntaviestinnän yhdistys YVY ry.: Kunniamaininta “Kuka tahansa voi sortua - Saarnaaja -Sarasvuo”-päihdekampanjalle Vuoden yhteiskuntaviestintäteko -kilpailussa 2007. Finnish (Social Marketing Association. Honourable Mentions for the “Preacher, Sarasvuo” alcohol and drug campaign# in the 2007 Social Marketing Campaigns of the Year competition)

Grafia - Association of Professional Graphic Designers in Finland: Vuoden huiput 2005 - The Best of the Year 2005: Kunniamaininta “Saarnaaja - Sarasvuo”-päihdekampanjan työryhmälle sarjoissa: Tv - ja elokuvamainonta, Printtimainonta, Kuva ja kuvitus. (Honourable Mentions for the “Preacher, Sarasvuo” alcohol and drug campaign team in series: Television and film ads, Print ads, Picture and Illustration.)

Lasinen lapsuus / A Fragile Childhood

Winner at the European e-Inclusion Awards at the Marginalised young people category “for Varjomaailma” (Shadow World), 2008 (EU)

Honorary Award at the Mentor International Prevention Award, 2008

Quality EU projects in mental health work for small children reward, 1999 (EU).

Honorary award of the First European Health Education Award, 1998 (EU).

Terveyden edistämisen keskus: Paras terveyskasvatusmateriaali 1992. (Best health education material of 1992, Finnish Centre for Health Promotion.)

Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos: Terve -SOS -palkinto Pelivoimapiirille 2010. (Terve -SOS Award by the National Institute for Health and Welfare, THL.)

Yhteiskuntaviestinnän yhdistys YVY ry.: Kunniamaininta Pelivoimapiirille Vuoden yhteiskuntaviestintäteko -kilpailussa 2009. Finnish Social Marketing Association. Honourable Mention for the Pelivoimapiiri SMS gambling prevention service in the 2009 Social Marketing Campaigns of the Year competition.

Erikoispalkinto Pääministerin parhaat tietoyhteiskuntakäytännöt 2006 -kilpailussa. (Special award at the Prime Minister’s Awards for Best Practices in Information Society 2006.)

Suomen Telelääketieteen seuran eHealth tunnustuspalkinto 2005. (eHealth Award of the Finnish Society of Telemedicine.)

EU eHealth2004 Awards finalist, Cork, Ireland 2004.

Finnish nominee for the Second European Health Education Award, 2000 (EU).

Terveyden edistämisen keskus: Paras terveyskasvatusmateriaali 1999. (Best health education material of 1999, Finnish Centre for Health Promotion.)

Apua.info psycho-social support portal: Stakesin Terve -SOS palkinto 2003 (Terve-SOS Award by the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health STAKES.)