Latests news

Utopian podcast at YLE

Liisa Vihmanen’s podcast, “Finnish Utopian Communities – Towards a Better World,” based on my interview, was published in YLE Living History series.The Finnish-language podcast is available at

Health Risks of Fine Particles

Teuvo Peltoniemi: “Pienhiukkasten terveysvaarat - Näkymättömien saastuttajien jäljillä”, (“Health Risks of Fine Particles – Tracking Invisible Pollutants”) Science article based on interviews at ESOF2024, Katowice, Poland.

Book workshop in Oslo

Writers’ Workshop at the University of Oslo for the forthcoming book “Transatlantic Crossings: Nordic Experiences of Emigration and Democracy” commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Norwegian migration to America in 2025.

Book about Finnish Utopian communities published

My new Finnish language book about all the 20 Finnish Utopian communities was published by the Finnish Literature Society. “Paratiiseja rakentamassa - Suomalaisten utopiayhteisöjen” historiaa” (Building Paradises - History of Finnish Utopian Communities), 459 pages, SKS-kirjat. Helsinki 2024. ISBN: 978-951-858-550-6.

New Towards a Better World Exhibit

The new “Towards A Better World” Exhibit is in progress. It will replace the 1985 exhibit that was on display in 40 cities in nine countries during 1984–2004. The new exhibit will include also Scandinavian Utopian communities in addition to the Finnish Utopian Communities. The new exhibit will be available both as Roll-Ups and On-Line versions. The first Roll-Up part giving background and a short overview will be displayed at the Cluj-Napoca Utopian conference in Romania on 3-7 July.

New utopian article

Peltoniemi, Teuvo: Towards a Better World - Nordic and Finnish Utopian Communities. Pp. 93-100 in: Pro, Juan & Di Minicoa, Elisabetta (eds.): Comunidades intencionales - utopías concretas en la historia. UAM Ediciones, Madrid 2022.

Fukushima Press tour to Daiichi & evacuated areas

Mr Peltoniemi was in Tokyo during the Great Japan Earthquake in 2011, reporting to Finland and following the topic ever since. On 11-13 June, 2015 he revisited Japan within an international press tour and wrote several articles from the situation inside the nuclear plant and on evacuated areas.

Earlier Main Activities

For info on my main activities before 2012 please see CV and Publications in this site and more in Finnish in books: ”Paratiiseja rakentamassa - Suomalaisten utopiayhteisöjen historiaa” (2024), and in ”Terassilta tiputukseen - Puheenvuoroja päihteistä” (2009).